Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spread the Word to end the Word

This is Matthew- 
He is my 5 year old brother and if you met him, like everyone else, you'd say how sweet and adorable he is. He has the biggest heart I have ever known a child to have and he is always looking out for someone other than himself. 

He is not perfect. He has eyes that don't see as well as some and he gets sick often. He does not have a classified disability. But he does have a friend that has a hint of down syndrome. Eva is in his preschool class and they are really good friends. I believe he even calls her his girlfriend (one of a couple). 

He shows concern for her and all of his other friends. He is not judgmental of her and he wants HER to like him for who HE is. He is upset if Eva is hurt by him, or if he thinks she doesn't want to be his friend anymore. Matthew looks at Eva as if she is just like him. He doesn't see that she is different from him anymore than he sees that he is different from anyone else. He has not been told that Eva may be more different. He has not grown up to think anything differently about her. 

Matthew sees Eva just like he sees any other friend. He is concerned for her well being and feelings. 

No one on this earth is perfect. We all have disabilities, you could say, that make us less perfect than our Heavenly Father. So, spread the word to end the word. The "R-word" is rude, ignorant, mean, hurtful and ignorant to use. Those that have disabilities around you may or may not be able to do the same things that you can. They may look differently, hear differently, speak differently, act differently, or even understand differently than you do, but this does not mean that they are "less than" or "slower" than you are. They have feelings of joy, hurt, anger, sadness, happiness, frustration, anxiety, and inadequacy. They are people. Eva is a child of God who is loved and befriended by those around her. Be aware of how you speak to those around you. Be aware of how you look and act around those around you. But most of all, be aware of how you LOVE those around you. 
Don't use the "r-word" or any other word like it. 
Don't exclude those who are different from you. 
Be loving and kind and respectful. 
Look past others' differences as you would hope your differences would be overlooked and even celebrated. 

I am different. 
You are different. 
Matthew is different.
Your friends are all different. 
Our differences make us who we are. 

Remember that, next time you see someone who is different from you. 

show love to those around you. 


Be the change you would like to see in the world. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Life's plans...

Isn't it funny how we always imagine how things are going to be... but somehow they don't always turn out the way you pictured it?

So far,  2012 has proven to be un-plannable.
In January, I started my second semester at Brigham Young University. I signed myself up for 16 credit hours and had my work cut out for me. My classes? Statistics, Physical Science, American Heritage, Book of Mormon (at BYU all students are required to complete 14 credit hours of Religion courses- ranging from scripture study to studying various religions and how they compare to Christianity), Art for Elementary Teachers, and PE for Elementary Education majors. The first three classes are said to be the 3 hardest GE why may you ask did I set myself up with such a heavy course load? Only one explanation.. I must be INSANE! I do not recommend anyone to take those three courses in one semester!
Later that month, I applied to get into the Elementary Education program so that I can one day sign my life away to teaching young minds the ABC's. I was so thrilled to turn the application in and arrive one step closer to my future!
In February, I started tutoring, as a service project for my American Heritage class, at Wasatch Elementary. Tutoring 1st graders? YES PLEASE! I loved having them read to me for an hour!!! What I love about being in the classroom is you have so many personalities around you! So many interesting conversations!
Also, in February I got all set up for an apartment in the fall with one of my roommates Sarah D. and our friend Mckann! I am so looking forward to moving in with those girls!
In March, I registered for Fall classes. When I applied for the Elementary Education program I set up a graduation plan. Prior to my registration date I even planed how I wanted my schedule set up down to the teachers, time, and section. Little did I know I was only going to get one of my classes I had planned on! But, they did work out!!! I now have a very light schedule with Fridays free of classes!!!
February, March, and April are now a blur of papers, tests, deadlines, and exams.
Now, I'm home for the summer and I had hoped to have a job where I worked last summer and had basically banked on it! But, my plans didn't work out as well as I had planned. So, now I am filing out job applications and working hard to get that summer job I need! I know it'll all work out! Its just a matter of it starting to soon!
So I am slowly mapping out my future but doing it in pencil from now on!

Mandie (:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Not saying Goodbye

Its a good thing I'm not saying goodbye because I hate see you laters so much that I ball anyways... I'm gonna miss my roommates and friends that I've made this year like crazy!
Here's to not saying goodbye...
Last day in Provo tomorrow!!!
The mountains were gorgeous today!!! I am going to miss them!

Bye-Bye BYU see you in August!
Right to left: Sarah G, Me, Alexis, Sarah D., Rebecca, Kristen
Love these girls like crazy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I can't believe it's ending!

While I am so so so excited to be going home to Texas with my family... I am also SO sad to leave my roommates and other friends that I've made this year! I can't believe I am already done with my first semester of college. I have two more finals and I am going to be done! It's absolutely insane!

My roommate Kristen is one of the funniest girls I know! She loves loves loves musicals, classics, and she loves school. She has so much motivation and she pushes me to be a better person everyday! She just joined me this semester and I am already missing her! She may be a longhorns fan (yes, I survived... somehow with burnt orange surrounding me...) but I love her to pieces! She loves the gospel and does everything she can to live up to her potential! She inspires me everyday to work harder to have a better relationship with my Heavenly Father! I love her, I love all of the fun times we've had in our little bedroom, laughing so hard we cry! She has become my other half here and I can't believe I have to give her up as a roommate! She's not going to be getting away from me anytime soon though! :D

Mackenzie is our basketball star. Its funny to look back on last summer talking to my other roommates wondering what Mackenzie was going to be like. She didn't have a Facebook and she never answered our emails so we thought she was going to be weird. I even offered Sarah D. a spot in our room. Turns out Mackenzie is hilarious, beautiful, fun, spunky, and a really good friend! I know that she would stick up for me and be there for me when ever I need her. She is such a sweetheart and I love her like crazy!!

Sarah D. is the most thoughtful person I know!! She is always so concerned of how everyone is doing and does little things that help everyone in the apartment so much! She is also one of the greatest friends I could possibly think of! She is always there to comfort me when I'm lonely and I've appreciated that! She is gorgeous, crazy, fun and she loves dancing for us all :) I cannot wait for us to move into our new apartment in the fall! I am so glad that we decided to room together!!!

Rebecca and Sarah G. are two of the best dressed girls on this campus! They are both beautiful and great interior designers for our little cinderblock wall apartment. Rebecca loves organizing and she is very goal oriented! I love that about her! She is also a really good listener. There have been several days where I have had a long day and I feel so stressed and she has listened to be complain even though she is dealing with the same load on her plate! She is beautiful and passionate and I have loved getting to know her family this year! I stayed with her before we moved in and during Thanksgiving and it was so great to have her there when I couldn't be home!
Sarah G is so pretty and has a gorgeous voice! She is always singing something and I love how relaxed she seems about everything. She doesn't seem too stressed out too often which I personally admire. She is so open to what is happening and just lets things happen.

Alexis is our adopted roommate! And I love her spunky personality! She and I have had a blast this year watching Friends, The Nanny, That 70s Show and others, doing homework and laughing. I am going to miss her next year! She finds it unacceptable for our door to be locked because that means she can't just waltz right in whenever she wants to! She is gorgeous and hilarious and I love her so much!

As you can tell, I am a very blessed girl to have roommates surrounding me this past year that love and care about me! I know that they would always be right by my side whenever I need them! I can't imagine having a better group of girls surrounding me! I love them to pieces and I can not wait to see where this life leads them and us!

This year is ending but they better figure out quick that they aren't getting rid of me any time soon!
I love you girls!

I am so grateful for the opportunities and lessons I've learned this year!! I'm grateful for the teachers that took time to listen and for my sweet Bishop! I have loved this experience and I can't wait to start it all over again in just a few months! I can't imagine what kind of crazy things that Sarah, McKann, and I are going to get ourselves into but I CAN NOT WAIT!!!! :D

Now to get some more studying done!! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My freshman year has come and gone!

I am 4 more finals way from being done with my freshman year of college! I can't believe it! Time has flown by!!!

I am excited for next year with new experiences coming my way, living in an apartment with two of the greatest girls and starting my major classes! Its going to be a blast! I can't wait to start it!

But first things first.. I go home in 8 days to my family back in Texas, I get to relax, work, and hang out with my friends! Its going to be the best!

Well its time to get some shut eye! Last day of classes tomorrow! WOO HOO :D

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Going crazy!

The cement walls around me are beginning to suffocate me!
Its time for finals..
Two next week then four the week after!
2 weeks from tomorrow I will be home to those big, wide open skies with my family.
Thats what I keep saying to myself..just 2 more weeks.

Hopefully I can finish this semester strong-ish!

Wish me luck! Time once again to hit the books!

Time to go home to this cutie-pie!

Monday, March 19, 2012

I Matter to HIM

Today has not been that great. I learned that my best isn't good enough all the time. And I have let that leave me so upset and feeling so alone. My roommate Sarah suggested I listen again to this General Conference talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from last October.
This was my favorite talk of this whole conference.
And I'm thankful for this counsel. I needed it. SO MUCH!
Thank you Sarah Dimmick, I love you more than you know and I am so glad to have you as a roommate this year and next year! You mean so much to me!

Read, Listen or Watch this talk. Mormon or not I promise you will LOVE this talk almost as much as me.